About Me

I was born in an extended family and lost my dad when i was only10 years old. Somehow i was different in the way i saw the world and my mom was not able to understand me. I went to College and tried to make it as a psychology student with hopes of helping children in dysfunctional families. However i got distracted by a man that would become my first husband and father to my only child. I very much loved my child and even though her dad was not good with relationships he was a genius at anything else he decided to do. During my childhood and most of my life i doodled, drawing was relaxing and i used it to escape the daily grind. When we ended up living off grid in the northern mountains of California i tried to make art a career. However all i could afford was paper and ink. So i did a lot of pen and ink drawings, posters and various other doodles, the coloring posters i did I would xerox and let my daughter color the copies, i still pass them out to any children that want to color. Living over 90minutes from the nearest town, with no job, i would crochet puppet pillows and send them to the bay area for a friend to sell...she would then send back the proceeds which we used to buy food, gas and needed items. Needless to say i was not flourishing, with a volatile home life and my daughter moving out, i found a way to also move out and ended up outside of San Francisco... there i tried various jobs and found i was able to support myself. However i dont have the knack of "selling myself" and the art work remained mostly for myself. Fast forward multiple years and i have no retired from the workforce...so once again i am going to try and sell my artwork...wish me success!